How Chiropractics Saved My Baby and I

Did you know that babies can benefit from chiropractic adjustments?

I had been suffering from pain in my wrists and ankles since pregnancy, and it didn’t go away even after our baby’s birth. It was getting very hard to take care of my baby and that’s why I decided to go see Dr.Kat at Kadin Family Chiropractic in Rockville, Maryland.



メリーランド州ロックビルにあるKadin Family Chiropractic は、その名の通り、ファミリー専門のあったかいオフィスで、赤ちゃんと妊婦さんに大人気!オーナーのDr.Katは、Webster Techniqueという骨盤の調整のスペシャリストで、妊娠中からも安心して診てもらえます。

Dr.Kat is a specialist in Webster Technique, and her office is always popular with pregnant ladies, and moms & babies. Some people wonder if it is even possible to see a chiropractor when you’re pregnant, but yes, you sure can! I was seeing one at around 8months of my pregnancy until a couple of days before my baby’s birth at another practice. Chiropractors are famous for making “torpedo babies” 🙂 and I did have a super fast delivery and I believe it was thanks to my chiropractic adjustments. So it was very natural for me to go see Dr.Kat for my pain at around 2months after baby birth.


The reason why I love chiropractic so much is that you get such a holistic approach to whatever problems your body is having. My pain in wrists and ankles seemed like a simple one, but Dr.Kat found some problems on my neck and also advised me on my eating habits, and improving mental health as well. Pain always has its core issue elsewhere. By revamping the whole quality of life, your pain goes away. At our initial consultations, not only Dr.Kat looked at my x-rays, she also interviewed me on my psychological conditions.





「You are just so tired. So tired. あなた疲れてるのよ・・・!!疲れていると、正常な思考回路でなくなるし、余計な心配もしてしまう。体の不調を治すには、心も一緒にテイクケアしないとね。」

“How are you feeling since you became a mother? How is taking care of your baby? Are you worried/nervous at all?”

She was so gentle and thoughtful, and it was my first time actually telling someone other than my husband about how much of a pressure I was under by becoming a mother.

“I’m always nervous… I even worry, what if I drop my baby??”

I never thought at the age of 34, I would cry in front of a stranger that I meet for the first time, but I am so glad I did because this made me realize how unstable my mental actually was.

“You are just tired, sweetie.” She handed me tissues and assured me that I don’t look like a mom who would drop her baby.


Happy mommy = happy baby!


She reminded me that in order to feel good physically, I need to take care of my mental side too. I realize the importance of sleep and taking time to take a good care of myself aside from trying to be a hardworking mother.

I started my chiropractic care with Dr.Kat, and my pain went away even before I realized it. She recommended some supplements such as vitamin D, magnesium citrate and omega 3. I was more energetic and even had better bowel movements. I felt like I was back to the positive self that I was before.

My baby receives chiropractic adjustments, too. She used to have torticollis, but it seems like she’s doing much better. I can see that she is so healthy and thriving each day.

I also love how I can get a lot of parenting advise when I go see Dr.Kat. Needless to say, she has a very natural approach to parenting and it totally resonates with my attachment parenting style. I feel like I am a more confident parent now by seeing a chiropractor like her. It is easy to be bombarded with tons of materials on the internet. But now, I make sure to always inform myself with the right kind of research. Not because “everybody” does it, or tells you, it doesn’t always mean it is right for you and your baby. Right, mamas??

I feel so blessed to be able to receive the right kind of chiropractic care. I know this is what I need for the holistic good health for myself and my baby.

My baby getting adjustment- it’s very gentle




#parenting #attachmentparenting #chiropractor #holistic #自然育児 #カイロプラクター #ナチュラルママ



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